• WIFI

    During your visit, you may use ALBERTINA MODERN’s WiFi network free of charge. When sharing your impressions and photos, please do mention @AlbertinaMuseum and #ALBERTINAmodern – we’d love to see your impressions!


    Our audio tours accompany you on your own smartphone – with no app required, during your exhibition visit and for subsequent home listening, and suitable for all smartphone devices.


    Available in German and in English

    The ALBERTINA MUSEUM and ALBERTINA MODERN are Austria’s only art museums that offer smartphone guides for your own smartphone. All productions are downloaded using a code card. These audio productions are available right on your own device with no need to use an app or a store, and each one remains available to you for 3 months after the associated exhibition closes.

    Price | EUR 3


    We’re looking forward to your feedback!

    What did you like most about ALBERTINA MODERN? And what could we improve? Please make your suggestions at our information desk or send us an E-Mail at ; you can also post a review of the ALBERTINA MUSEUM on Facebook or on TripAdvisor.

  • Changing tables

    Changing tables are available in the barrier-free all-gender restroom on Lower Level 1.
    Nursing is not permitted in the exhibition itself. Please approach one of our museum attendants; they’ll be happy to show you to a quiet area.

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