
Albertinaplatz 1
1010 Vienna

T +43 1 534 83 0

Legal form of enterprise: Wissenschaftliche Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts
Company register No.: FN 193651g
Company register court: FB Commercial Court, Vienna
VAT No.: ATU16287202

  • Authorized ALBERTINA representatives according to commercial register

    CEO | Prof. Dr. Klaus Albrecht Schröder
    CFO |  Mag. Renate Landstetter

    Download – Rules of order of the ALBERTINA Museum (in German)

    General Signatory Authorities: Magª Sabine Rainer-Linke, Dr. Christian Benedik

    Members of the Board of Trustees:
    Mag. Dr. Andrea B. Braidt (Chair)
    Dr. Eva Dichand (Vice-Chair)
    Georg Schatz
    MMag. Dr. Gabriele Ambros
    Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Eva Kernbauer
    Sylvia Eisenburger-Kunz
    Mag. Anja Hasenlechner
    Dr. Norbert Schnedl
    DI Dr. Thomas Steiner

    Download – Rules of order of the Board of Trustees of the ALBERTINA Museum

    The ALBERTINA reports to the following supervising authorities:

    Federal Ministery
    Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
    Concordiaplatz 2
    1010 Vienna

    Austrian Economic Chamber
    Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63
    1045 Vienna

    The ALBERTINA is subject to the relevant legal statutes, in particular to the Federal Museums Act (Bundesmuseen-Gesetz) and the ALBERTINA Museum's Museum Regulations (Museumsordnung), as well as to the Trade Regulations (Gewerbeordnung). They may be downloaded free of charge at

    Responsible for the contents: Prof. Dr. Klaus Albrecht Schröder, General Director
    The Website is created and developed by PEACH Kommunikationsagentur GmbH (

    The "Collections Online" are created and developed by: PEACH Kommunikationsagentur GmbH ( and Cit - Collections Information Technology (
    The „Werkverzeichnis Max Weiler. Die Zeichnungen / Arbeiten auf Papier“ are created and developed by: Cit - Collections Information Technology,, and Jart,


  • Business Purpose

    The ALBERTINA Museum is subject to the relevant legal statutes, in particular to the Federal Museums Act (Bundesmuseen-Gesetz) and the ALBERTINA Museum’s Museum Regulations (Museumsordnung), as well as to the Trade Regulations (Gewerbeordnung). They may be downloaded free of charge at

  • Copyright

    All the texts, images, artworks, video sequences, audio documents, and other materials published on the website of the ALBERTINA Museum ( and "Collections Online" ( are subject to copyright protection.
    The copyright holder is either the ALBERTINA Museum or the person or institution mentioned as a source of reference. It is prohibited to copy, mass-reproduce, or publish the information supplied on the present website. Permission for printing or distributing the information contained here may be granted in individual cases. 

  • Terms of Use

    General conditions for using the ALBERTINA Museum's Online Offering:

    Exclusion of Liability

    1. Contents of the Online Offering
    The ALBERTINA Museum states that users make use of the online offering at  ("website") at their own risk.
    The ALBERTINA Museum will vouch for the correctness and accuracy of the website’s contents according to its best knowledge and belief. However, the ALBERTINA Museum is not liable for the topicality, correctness, completeness, or quality of the information supplied. Liability claims towards the ALBERTINA Museum referring to material or non-material damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information supplied, or from the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are generally excluded, provided that the ALBERTINA Museum cannot be blamed for having acted with intent or gross negligence.
    All offers are non-binding and without obligation. The ALBERTINA Museum explicitly reserves the right to alter, complement, or delete parts of this website or the entire contents thereof without notice, or to discontinue publication either temporarily or permanently.

    2. References and Links
    The ALBERTINA Museum disclaims any liability for the contents provided by third parties that are referred to here directly or indirectly ("links").
    The ALBERTINA Museum has no influence whatsoever on the current or future design, contents, or authorship of linked websites. Thus, the ALBERTINA Museum herewith explicitly declines all responsibility for the entire contents of off-site or linked pages. This applies to all of the links and references supplied within the ALBERTINA Museum's own online offering, as well as to third-party entries made in guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists provided by the ALBERTINA Museum. The provider of a linked website bears sole responsibility for any illegal, incorrect, or incomplete information it may contain, and especially for the damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information, whereas the one who only refers to published information via links cannot be held responsible.

    3. Copyright and Trademark Law
    The ALBERTINA Museum makes a point of respecting the copyrights for texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents used in all of its publications, as well as of using texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents produced by the ALBERTINA Museum itself or its contract parties, or of referring to licence-free texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents.
    All of the identification marks or logos displayed within the online offering and possibly protected by third parties are subject to the legal provisions of the respective trademark law in force and governed by the proprietary rights of the respective registered owner. The mere fact that a trademark, service mark, or logo is displayed does not suggest that it is not protected and that no titles of third parties are involved.
    The copyright for published materials produced by the ALBERTINA Museum or its contract parties rests solely with the ALBERTINA Museum (authors of the pages). Any reproduction or use of such artworks, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed media without the explicit consent of the author (the ALBERTINA Museum) is strictly prohibited.

    4. Data Protection
    In cases where the online offering includes the option of entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses), such data is supplied by the user on a strictly voluntary basis.
    By indicating their postal addresses or e-mail addresses, users agree (on a revocable basis) to receive requested information material (newsletter, postal mailings) from the ALBERTINA Museum by post and/or e-mail. Furthermore, users agree that the data supplied by them be collected and processed electronically.
    This personal information will be used by the ALBERTINA Museum exclusively for the supply of services ordered by users, as well as for the announcement of dates, new events, programmes, online, and other services of the ALBERTINA Museum.
    The data supplied by users will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the data protection law in force and is strictly confidential, unless it should become legally necessary to defend the legal titles or the property of the ALBERTINA Museum, or to protect the interests of other users.
    Users have the right to be informed which personal data has been collected by the ALBERTINA Museum.
    The ALBERTINA Museum’s data information office can be contacted at .
    The ALBERTINA Museum will answer written inquiries by informing the user which personal data have been stored, correct erroneous data, or delete the data upon request.
    Users have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing and use of their data at any time with effect for the future. Inquiries in this matter have to be sent to including the user’s address, date of birth, and e-mail address. The ALBERTINA Museum undertakes to delete the data promptly and completely.

    5. Legal Effectiveness of the Exclusion-of-Liability Clause
    This exclusion-of-liability clause is part of the online offering referring to this page. In case parts of this text or individual phrases do not, no longer, or do not completely comply with the legal provisions in force, the contents of the remaining parts of this document and their validity will remain unaffected.

    © The ALBERTINA Museum 2017. All rights reserved. 

  • Whistleblowing

    Whistleblowing reporting channel as per Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) § 4, LGBl. Nr. 37/2022:

    To the reporting channel

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