Tours for Individuals with Dementia
Due to the current legal regulation, no guided tours of persons are currently allowed. We hope to be able to offer our tours again soon.
General information
A special tour format has been developed for visitors with (mild to moderate) dementia and those accompanying them. This tour takes into account the existing resources and needs of participants suffering from dementia and offers an esteeming space in which to experience the artworks via the senses and emotions. Existing memories, feelings, and sensory impressions are awakened by viewing and discussing selected artworks. This ALBERTINA MODERN visit offers those suffering from dementia an opportunity to experience success and some beautiful moments. Accompanying individuals likewise participate in this tour.
This tour lasts between 1 and 1.5 hours. Max. 8 participants with dementia plus an equal number of accompanying individuals.
Tour fee for the entire group: EUR 140.
Admission for individuals with dementia and those accompanying them is free.
Reservations & Related Inquiries
ALBERTINA Museum Art Education Department
Weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at T: +43 1 534 83 540
or at E: