Albertinaplatz 1
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 534 83 0
Information and Queries
Visiting the Museum, Guided Tours, Art Education program
General queries
Address changes for invitation distribution lists
Job applications
- Management
T +43 1 534 83 0
Dr. Ralph Gleis - Director General
+43 1 534 83 0Mag. Renate Landstetter - CFO
+43 1 534 83 0 - Office of the Director General & CFO
Gudrun Stangl-Gorisek - Assistant to the Director General
+43 1 534 83 115Mag. Theresa Wieder - Executive Assistant to the General Director
+43 1 534 83 116Sabine Rainer-Linke - Assistant to the CFO
+43 1 534 83 132 - Architectural Collection & State Rooms
Dr. Christian Benedik - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 220Curators
Dr. Katharina Hövelmann
+43 1 534 83 221 - Photographic Collection
Dr. Walter Moser - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 310Curators
Dr. Astrid Mahler - Photography around 1900 until 1930s
+43 1 534 83 315Dr. Anna Hanreich - Photography of the 19th Century
+43 1 534 83 312 - Graphic Art Collection
Dr. Elisabeth Dutz - Chief Curator Graphic Art Collection | Curator International Symbolism, Vienna around 1900, Expressionism and the Interwar Period in Austria, Online Œuvre Catalogue Gustav Klimt
+43 1 534 83 441Laura Luzianovich, MA MA - Research assistant to the chief curator
+43 1 534 83 446Curators
Mag. Gunhild Bauer - French Art from the 15th century until 1880, Impressionism
+43 1 534 83 423Prof. Dr. Achim Gnann - Italian art from the 15th to the 19th Century
+43 1 534 83 440Dr. Gisela Kirpicsenko - Modern Art
+43 1 534 83 222Dr. Christof Metzger - German and Austrian Art until 1760. Project management „“, „Managing Maximilian“ and „Hollstein – The Virtual Printroom“
+43 1 534 83 435Dr. Eva Michel - Netherlandish art
+43 1 534 83 434Mag. Laura Margrit Ritter (on maternity leave) - French art
+43 1 534 83 439Mag. Julia Zaunbauer - Austrian, German and Swiss art from 1760 until 1890
+43 1 534 83 438Project “Managing Maximilian”
Dr. Erwin Pokorny
+43 1 534 83 440Project Digitization & Basic Scientific Research “Historic Print Albums”
Mag. Florian Brunner
+43 1 534 83 323Associated researchers
Dr. Marian Bisanz-Prakken - Gustav Klimt. The Drawings
+43 1 534 83 0Dr. Maria Luise Sternath-Schuppanz - The Art of Viennese Watercolor
+43 1 534 83 0Dr. Heinz Widauer - Senior Researcher for the Ducal French Print Collection
+43 1 534 83 0 - Contemporary art from 1945
General Inquiries
+43 1 534 83 0Mag. Angela Stief - Director, Albertina Modern | Chief Curator for Contemporary Art from 1945, Albertina
+43 1 534 83 0Mag. Enikö Luef-Kaszoni - Assistant Contemporary
+43 1 534 83 456Elsy Lahner - Deputy chief curator for contemporary art from 1945
+43 1 534 83 437Dr. Antonia Hoerschelmann - Curator of modern and contemporary art
+43 1 534 83 427Constanze Malissa, MA MA - Curator of contemporary art from 1945
+43 1 534 83 445Martina Denzler, MA (on maternity leave) - Assistant curator
+43 1 53483 425Lydia Eder, MA - Assistant curator
+43 1 534 83 442Mag. Melissa Lumbroso - Assistant curator
+43 1 534 83 443Lorenz Ecker, MA MA - Assistant curator
+43 1 534 83 426 - Collection Services
Collection management and study hall, photo studio, image reproduction services, online collection and rights management
Mag. Maria Metzler - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 429 - Collection Management & Study Hall
Mag. Alexander Pointner
+43 1 534 83 153Patrick Lichtenecker - Registrar
+43 1 534 83 428Mag. Katharina Schuster - Registrarin
+ 43 1 534 83 444 - Photo Studio
Daniel Antalfi - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 317 - Image Reproduction Services
Alice Hundsdorfer-Zhou, MA
+43 1 534 83 450 - Online Collections and Rights Management
Martina Pichler, MA - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 321Manuel Payer - Rights Management
+43 1 534 83 326 - Provenance Research
- Library
Publication Exchange:
Mag. Cosima Richter - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 460Dipl.-Bibl. Sven Otto - Publication Exchange
+43 1 534 83 462 - Conservation
Dipl. Rest. Eva Glück - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 610MMag.ª art. Karine Bovagnet - Stellvertretende Leitung | Grafik
+43 1 534 83 614Margarethe Fazekas - Administration of loan transactions and exhibitions
+43 1 534 83 619Konservierung und Restaurierung
Mag.ª art. Magdalena Duftner - Paintin, Sculpture
+43 1 534 83 432Dipl. Rest. Ute Kannengießer - Gemälde, Skulptur, zeitbasierte Medienkunst und Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
+43 1 534 83 492Mag.ª art. Barbara Kühnen - Fotografie
+43 1 534 83 616MMag.ª art. Eva-Maria Loh - Grafik
+43 1 534 83 624Mag. art. Klaus Mohideen-Rubitzko - Grafik
+43 1 534 83 611Mag.ª art. Alexandra Moser - Grafik
+43 1 534 83 615Mag.ª art. Julia Wikarski - Grafik und Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
+43 1 534 83 615Dipl. Rest. Nanett Woithe - Buch
+43 1 534 83 630Framing & Mounting
Carmen Lenoir, MA - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 612Andrew Draper
+43 1 534 83 617Anton Hell
+43 1 534 83 622Gregor-Ingomar Kaufmann
+43 1 534 83 623Viktor Moisejev
+43 1 534 83 620Armin Solderer, BA
+43 1 534 83 623 - Loans & Exhibition Management
Mag. Barbara Buchbauer - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 125Mag. Kristin Jedlicka - Exhibition Management
+43 1 534 83 126Sonja Eiböck, MA - Loan Management
+43 1 534 83 123Mag. Elisabeth Wolfik - Exhibition Management
+43 1 534 83 128Dr. Christiane Steinbichler-Schranz - Exhibition Management
+43 1 534 83 127Jasha Greenberg, BA - Exhibition & Loan Management
+43 1 534 83 124Sarah Celine Trauner - Exhibition Management
+43 1 534 83 119 - Publications
Mag. Dr. Sandra Maria Rust - Head of Publications
+43 1 534 83 120Mag. Paul Maercker - Assistant
+43 1 534 83 121 - Marketing
Mag. Verena Dahlitz - Head of Communications & Marketing
+43 1 534 83 510Mag. Mario Kiesenhofer - Head of Graphic & Exhibition Design
+43 1 534 83 525Mag.Ulla Bartel-Norman, BSc. - Head of Social Media & Online Marketing
+43 1 534 83 514Tatjana Schmidt, MSc - Head of Digital Media
+43 1 534 83 516 - Press
T +43 1 534 83 511
Mag. Verena Dahlitz - Head of Communications & Marketing
+43 1 534 83 510Lisa Trapp, MA - Press and public relations
+43 1 534 83 512Dr. Daniel Benyes - Press Officer
+43 1 534 83 511 - Sponsoring
Mara Grünberg - Head of Sponsoring and Membership
+43 1 534 83 560 - Friends of the Albertina
Alexandra Hatzl - Secretary General
+43 1 534 83 561 - Tourismus
- Event Management
Hedi Breit - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 523 - Art Education
Mag. Ines Groß-Weikhart - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 541 - Museum Shop
+43 1 534 83 0
Katrin Fuchs - Head of Department
+43 1 534 83 0Harald Eckelberg - Shop Backoffice
+43 1 534 83 554 - Human Resources Management
- Bookkeeping
- Ticketing
- Facility Management
- IT Management
- Security Management
Georg Wienerroither
+43 1 534 83 148