Jim Dine

I never look away

Until 2 October 2016

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The ALBERTINA Museum is showing 60 of Jim Dine’s fascinating self-portraits, a representative selection from the 80-year-old artist’s generous donation to the museum that presents him in a great number of his many facets. This group of works makes possible an independent, intense, and surprising dialogue with the artist and his output. Here, Dine’s diverse experiments with a wide range of techniques and materials address themes including youth and old age, intimacy and extroversion, seriality, and creativity on paper. And not insignificantly, these self-portraits open up new insights into a supposedly familiar oeuvre.

Image Gallery – 3 Images
Exhibition view, Jim Dine. I never look away | Photo © eSeL.at – Lorenz Seidler
Exhibition view, Jim Dine. I never look away | Photo © eSeL.at – Lorenz Seidler
Talk with the Artist
Show Video
Video: Talk with the Artist
Exhibition view, Jim Dine. I never look away | Photo © eSeL.at – Lorenz Seidler
Exhibition view, Jim Dine. I never look away | Photo © eSeL.at – Lorenz Seidler
A Serious Man
Show Video
Video: A Serious Man
Show Video
Video: Self-Portrait


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Jim Dine Self-Portraits | Exhibition catalogue

Jim Dine. Selbstporträts | Self-Portraits

The self-portraits, which Dine began painting in the 1950s, serve to catalyze an independent, intense, and surprising dialogue with the artist and his output. Dine’s diverse experiments with a wide range of techniques and materials address themes including youth and old age, intimacy and extroversion, and seriality and creativity on paper—enabling these self-portraits to open up new insights into a supposedly familiar oeuvre.

Ed. by Antonia Hoerschelmann & Klaus Albrecht Schröder
188 pages
28,5 x 23,5 cm | Hardcover
Bilingual (German/English) EUR 15,00

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