Martha Jungwirth

Until 3 June 2018

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The artist Martha Jungwirth is receiving her first solo presentation at the ALBERTINA Museum. Individual key works, as well as groups of works presented as series, afford a fascinating look into the wide-ranging oeuvre of this Viennese painter, who was born in 1940.

Jungwirth alternates constantly between abstract and figurative painting from her vantage point at the interface between the two. This exhibition spans a temporal arc from early masterpieces to her most recent output, which is being publicly presented here for the first time. Since her beginnings as an artist, Jungwirth has valued paper as a medium for paintings that include numerous large-format watercolors. Her works also stand out for their unique color combinations, which serve to convey her highly sensitive perception of reality.

On view from 2 March until 3 June 2018.

Image Gallery – 12 Images
The artist Martha Jungwirth at the exhibition | Photo ©
Martha Jungwirth at the exhibition | Photo ©
Discover the Martha Jungwirth exhibition by watching this video.
Show Video
Video: Martha Jungwirth | Trailer
Martha Jungwirth | Istan, 2017 | Private collection © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018; photo: Lisa Rastl
Martha Jungwirth | Istan, 2017 | Private collection © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018; photo: Lisa Rastl
Martha Jungwirth | Untitled (from the series: The Women Regents of the Old Men’s Home at Haarlem, Frans Hals, 1664), 2014 | The Albertina Museum, Vienna, acquired with funds from the Gallery Subsidy of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, 2015 © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Martha Jungwirth | Untitled (from the series: The Women Regents of the Old Men’s Home at Haarlem, Frans Hals, 1664), 2014 | The Albertina Museum, Vienna, acquired with funds from the Gallery Subsidy of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, 2015 © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Views of the exhibition | Photos © Robert Bodnar – 5 Images


  • Jahrespartner
    Bank Austria UniCredit
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    Die Presse


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