Florentina Pakosta

Until 26 August 2018

On the occasion of Austrian artist Florentina Pakosta’s 85th birthday, the ALBERTINA Museum is devoting a large-scale retrospective to her oeuvre.

In her 1960s drawings and printed graphics, Florentina Pakosta reacted to discrimination against women in the art scene. For centuries, male artists had portrayed women as objects or muses. Pakosta consequently turned her gaze on men and proceeded to dissect their facial expressions and body language. Her satirical works attack patriarchal power structures by caricaturing male behavior and reversing traditional roles.
Self-portraits likewise play a central role in the oeuvre of Florentina Pakosta—showing her at times serious, then self-confident, then combative. In her series Warenlandschaften [Product Landscapes ] and Menschenmassen [Crowds of People], on the other hand, Pakosta lends expression to the disappearance of the subject in capitalism. Pakosta’s mid-1980s output then gradually turns away from black-and-white, figurative painting in favor of an abstract visual language—and to this day, she has continued to create series of characteristic works comprised of geometric beams.

On view from 30 May until 26 August 2018.

Image Gallery – 10 Images
In the galleries| Photos © Robert Bodnar – 7 Images
Video from the curator's perspective | Video overlay: Florentina Pakosta | Anticipation, 1981 | Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Photo: Hubert Auer © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Show Video
Video: The Curator's View
Florentina Pakosta | Pink Floodlight, 2016 | Courtesy of the artist © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Florentina Pakosta | Pink Floodlight, 2016 | Courtesy of the artist © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Florentina Pakosta | Revolver Head, 1979 | Courtesy the artist © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Florentina Pakosta | Revolver Head, 1979 | Courtesy the artist © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Exhibition Spot | Picture: Florentina Pakosta | 1991/4, Balkan Wars, 1991 | Meryn Private Collection © Bildrecht, Vienna, 2018
Show Video
Video: Spot | Florentina Pakosta


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Exhibition Publication | Florentina Pakosta

Florentina Pakosta

The ALBERTINA Museum devotes a retrospective to Austrian artist Florentina Pakosta. The publication covers life and work of the artist. It includes her drawings and prints from the 1960s as well as her self-portraits and abstract paintings starting in the 1980s.

Please note that this publication is only available in German.

Ed. by Elsy Lahner, Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Reinhard Spieler
216 pages
28,5 x 24,5 cm / Hardcover
German EUR 15,00

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