Robert Frank

Until 21 January 2018

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The Americans, a group of photos shot by Robert Frank between 1955 and 1957, made photographic history: these works, which Frank took on a series of road trips through the United States, illuminate the post-war “American way of life” in grim black and white, revealing a reality of pervasive racism, violence, and consumer culture. Due to his images’ failure to uphold America’s self-image at the time, it was at first only possible to publish the synonymous book in Europe. But with The Americans, Robert Frank did ultimately succeed in creating one of the most influential photographic works of the post-war period while also effecting a sustained renewal of street photography.

The Albertina, in its exhibition, is showing selected groups of works that make it possible to retrace Robert Frank’s development as an artist: from his early Swiss photo reportages and travel photos to The Americans and on to his introspective late oeuvre, central aspects of his work are placed front and centre.

Image Gallery – 14 Images
Discover the work of Robert Frank by watching the exhibition video.
Show Video
Video: Robert Frank
Exhibition views | Photos © Bureau Kies – 8 Images
Robert Frank | San Francisco, 1956 | © Robert Frank, The Albertina Museum, Vienna – on permanent loan from the Austrian Ludwig Foundation for Art and Science
Robert Frank | San Francisco, 1956 | © Robert Frank, The Albertina Museum, Vienna – on permanent loan from the Austrian Ludwig Foundation for Art and Science
Robert Frank | 14th Street White Tower – New York City, 1948 | © Robert Frank, Collection Swiss Foundation for Photography, Donation of the Artist
Robert Frank | 14th Street White Tower – New York City, 1948 | © Robert Frank, Collection Swiss Foundation for Photography, Donation of the Artist


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