Wilhelm Leibl – The Art of Seeing

Until 26 July 2020

Encouraged by Courbet, influenced by Manet, and esteemed by Van Gogh, Wilhelm Leibl (1844–1900) was among the most important representatives of realism in Europe. His oeuvre revolves around the uncompromisingly authentic portrayal of human beings. With his retreat from the city to the country, Leibl founded a style of modern figural painting in which the truth of nature took priority over the idylls and narrative tendencies of traditional genre painting. Wilhelm Leibl’s guiding principle was not that his models be beautiful, but that they be “well perceived.”

This exhibition, which includes loan works from Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, and the USA, arose in cooperation with the Kunsthaus Zürich.

On view from 31 January until 26 July 2020.

Image Gallery – 9 Images
In the exhibition
Show Video
Video: In the exhibition
In the exhibition | Photos © Georg Molterer – 4 Images


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    Bank Austria UniCredit
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Publication in German | Wilhelm Leibl. Gut sehen ist alles!

Wilhelm Leibl. Gut sehen ist alles! (in German)

Wilhelm Leibl (1844 - 1900) is considered one of the most important portraitists and most important representatives of realism in Europe. With large-format illustrations of over 40 paintings and 60 drawings, this volume accompanies the first comprehensive museum exhibition shown in Switzerland and Austria, which focuses on portraits and figurative representations.

Only available in German

Wilhelm Leibl. Gut sehen ist alles! (in German)
Hrsg. Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich
Hirmer Verlag
288 pages
German EUR 39,90

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