Until 11 October 2015

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Forty years after Drawing Now, the legendary exhibition mounted jointly with the MoMA in New York, 2015 will see the ALBERTINA Museum once again attempt to take stock of what drawing means or can mean today. In the present showing, selected works by 36 international artists and artist groups turn the spotlight on relevant movements of the past ten years.
Drawing Now: 2015 illustrates the broad spectrum of present-day tendencies of drawing in art: its range of featured works runs from the abstract to the figurative and from sketches to large-scale projects planned in great detail. In terms of content, the artists devote their works to private experiences, simple everyday observations, and political events. They also reflect on the medium of drawing itself, examining the conditions and possibilities of such works’ production while also making a theme of appropriated drawing and drawing as a performative or collaborative act.

The ALBERTINA Museum plans to continue Drawing Now as a series, to be shown at irregular intervals with differing emphases.

The participating artists are:
Tomma Abts | Silvia Bächli | Anna Barriball | Marc Bauer | Michaël Borremans | Andrea Bowers | Olga Chernysheva | Amy Cutler | Tacita Dean | Sonja Gangl | Nikolaus Gansterer | Monika Grzymala | Toba Khedoori | Los Carpinteros | Constantin Luser | Lotte Lyon | Julie Mehretu | Aleksandra Mir | Muntean/Rosenblum | Paul Noble | Jockum Nordström | Micha Payer + Martin Gabriel | Fritz Panzer | Dan Perjovschi | Chloe Piene | Rainer Prohaska | Robin Rhode | Mithu Sen | David Shrigley | Paul Sietsema | Tatiana Trouvé | Ignacio Uriarte | Marcel van Eeden | Erik van Lieshout | Sandra Vásquez de la Horra | Jorinde Voigt

Image Gallery – 5 Images
Exhibition view, Drawing Now: 2015 | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Drawing Now: 2015 | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter
Installation by Nikolaus Gansterer | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter
Installation by Nikolaus Gansterer | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter
Room installation by Monika Grzymala | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter
Room installation by Monika Grzymala | Photo © 2015, Christian Wachter


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Drawing Now 2015 | Exhibition catalogue

Drawing Now 2015

Forty years after Drawing Now, the legendary exhibition mounted jointly with the MoMA in New York, 2015 will see the Albertina once again attempt to take stock of what drawing means or can mean today.

Ed. by Klaus Albrecht Schröder & Elsy Lahner
236 pages
22,5 x 27,5 cm | Hardcover
Bilingual (German/English) EUR 15,00

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