
The Japanese photo magazine Provoke, which ran for three issues in 1968 and 1969, is viewed as a one-of-a-kind agglomeration of post-war artistic efforts. In the world’s first-ever exhibition on this topic, the ALBERTINA Museum examines the complex genesis of this magazine and thereby presents a representative cross-section of photographic trends present in Japan between the 1960s and 1970s.
Ed. by Diane Dufour & Matthew Witkovsky
2016 | 680 pages
19 x 25 cm | Softcover
To the library of the ALBERTINA Museum

Hrsg. von Alain Sayag und Annick Lionel-Marie.
Mit Texten von Jean-Jacques Aillagon, Brassaï, Gilberte Brassaï, Roger Grenier, Henry Miller, Jacques Prévert, Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Werner Spies. Übers. aus dem Franz. von Stefan Barmann
Wien: Brandstätter/Albertina, 2003. - 319 S., ill.
ISBN 978-3-8549-8259-3 / 3-8549-8259-3

Ed. by Monika Faber and Klaus Albrecht Schröder.
In collaboration with Gilles Mora.
With texts by Monika Faber, Maren Gröning, Astrid Lechner, Michael Ponstingl. Transl. from the German by Edith Vanghelof and Karin Tippelt
Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 2003
ISBN 2-02-059237-1

Ed. by Monika Faber. Preface: Klaus Albrecht Schröder.
With contributions by Maren Gröning, Herbert Justnik, Astrid Mahler and Michael Ponstingl
Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2008. 112 pp., illus.
ISBN 978-3-7757-2253-7